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Curriculum & Instructional Design Week 4 Discussion 2

Curriculum & Instructional Design_week 4 Discussion 2

Q Direct instruction is the most widely used strategy by practitioners in classrooms today. It consists of five elements that guide instruction from beginning to end. However, the direct instruction model also receives a great deal of criticism in the progressive classrooms of today’s school system. In Chapter 6 the authors highlight two main components of the Direct Instruction Model. • Identify those two main components and describe the elements of each of them. • After reading the advantages and disadvantages of lecturing, take a stance on lecturing and defend whether you feel it is an effective strategy. • Questioning is complex, summarize what the author is stating about questioning as an instructional tool. • Explain why educators need to ask questions that require students to use higher order thinking skills.

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The two chief elements of the Direct Instructional Model involve expository questioning and teaching. Lecturing can be regarded as an expository teaching element. A teacher in lecturing stands in front of the class. They are guided mostly by the textbook that seldom needs preparation of any kind. Lots of information is provided to the students for that day on the subject matter. Feedback might not be there from the student in lecturing as complete control is held by the teacher at that time of the classroom. Another Direct Instructional Model component is questioning in which teachers are permitted to engage students through questions being asked.